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L'EUROPE EN FORMATION - Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism

The bi-annual journal L’Europe en formation deals with European integration, international relations and federalism, with a transdisciplinary approach bringing together political philosophy, law, economics, sociology and culture. The journal was launched in 1960.
Since 2008 the journal has been enhancing its scholarly profile, by setting up a reading committee to ensure the quality of submitted articles.
Each issue is now devoted to a specific topic covering its various dimensions. All research articles in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, through anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
L'Europe en formation is bilingual. Articles are published either in English or in French, with abstracts in both languages.

The journal is available online at the scholarly journal distribution website Cairn (

Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year - 150-300 pages per issue
Attention: from issue 383 onwards, the Europe en Formation journal is exclusively available as an electronic version. Find the issues on Cairn.infoSubscriptions are to be paid via CAIRN.INFO

Subscription for one year, two issues per year:
 - Standard fee (France, all countries): 30 €
 - Supporting subscription: 100 €
 - Unitary price: €20.00 

 © Centre international de formation européenne - ISSN imprimé 0014-2808 - ISSN (PDF) 2410-9231

This publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of its authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
  Editorial Board


Matthias Waechter
Publishing Director

Frédéric Lépine

Martin Molko
Editorial Assistant

Editorial Board: Laurent Baechler, Matthias Waechter, Frédéric Lépine, Anna Dimitrova, Mathias Jopp, George Tzogopoulos.
Founder: Alexandre Marc (1904-2000) † - Jean-Pierre Gouzy †

Scientific Committee

François BAFOIL, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Chercheur au CERI-SciencesPo Paris
Katrin BÖTTGER, Deputy Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin)
Vlad CONSTANTINESCO, Professeur émérite à la faculté de droit de l'Université de Strasbourg
Paul CULLEY, Director, DG 1, General Policies, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Sylvie FAUCHEUX, Directrice IFG Executive Education et directrice Innovation
Tobias FLESSENKEMPER, Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, Head of Office
Alexandre HERLEA, Professeur émérite des Universités, Ministre de l'Intégration européenne de la Roumanie entre 1996 et 1999
Agnieska KURCZEWSKA, Professeure d'économie à l'Université de Lodz
Hartmut MARHOLD, Professeur honoraire à l'Université de Cologne
Cecilia Iulia MIHAIL, Counsellor at the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation – ANCSI, Director of the Romanian Office for Science and Technology to the EU, based in Bruxelles

Susanne NIES, Directrice générale pour l’Allemagne chez Smart Wires Inc.
Claude NIGOUL, Ancien Directeur de l'Institut européen des hautes études internationales (IEHEI), Président du Club de Nice - Énergie et géopolitique
Philippe POIRIER, Professor in Political Science at the University of Luxembourg, Chaire Holder in Legislative Studies for the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg
Cristian Dan PREDA, Doyen de la Faculté de Sciences Politiques de l’Université de Bucarest 
Dagmar RÖTTSCHES-DUBOIS, Conseillère à l’Alliance 4EU, Université d’Heidelberg
Jean-Marie ROUSSEAU, Expert en politiques régionales, de développement territorial et de coopération internationale
Ingrid SHIKOVA, Professeur en Études européennes à l'Université St. Kliment Ohridski de Sofia
Mario TELO, Professeur en Sciences Politiques à Université libre de Bruxelles et à l’Université LUISS Guido Carli à Rome

L'Europe en formation, journal of studies on European integration and federalism, deals with European integration, international rela¬tions and federalism.
The journal aims at promoting studies about the environment and structures  of the political European integration politique, federalist ideas and federal polities, as well the European geopolitics of International relations.
Following the editorial line of the personalist federalism, inspired by the "global federalism" of its founder, Alexandre Marc, L'Europe en formation uses a transdisciplinary approach bringing together political philosophy, law, economics, sociology and culture.
The articles of the journal are either in English or in French.

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