Project description
The SEnECA project sought to improve research cooperation and to strengthen capacities in research and policy advice in the EU and Central Asia, having recognised the importance of Central Asia for Europe. An international consortium of twelve partner organisations from the EU and all five Central Asian countries, led by Prof Dr Michael Kaeding, professor for European politics at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), and Dr Katrin Böttger, Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) mapped and analysed the relations between the two regions in order to make recommendations to stakeholders on future research cooperation, policies and communication.
See the SEnECA flyer
Watch the SEnECA video
The SEnECA consortium consisted of 12 institutional partners from six EU Member States and all five Central Asian countries. The consortium partners were carefully selected to provide a balanced mix of research and policy-making organisations in the EU and the target region, with diverse experience in academic issues, innovation management, policy-making and project management. SEnECA’s team of researchers and experts from academia and renowned think tanks was well connected to policy-making in the EU and Central Asia.
• University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
• Institut für Europäische Politik (Germany)
• Central Asia Institute for Strategic Studies (Kazakhstan)
• Center of Sociological Research "Zerkalo" (Tajikistan)
• University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan)
• Royal United Services Institute (UK)
• WiseEuropa - Fundacja Warszawski Instytut Studiów
• Ekonomicznych i Europejskich (Poland)
• Latvian Institute of International Affairs (Latvia)
• Centre international de formation européenne (France)
• Trans European Policy Studies Association (Belgium)
• Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn (Kyrgyzstan)
Main project results
• Long-term Central Asia communication strategy
• Stakeholder analysis
• Researchers database
• 18 policy papers (mapping, analysis, recommendation)
• 3 international conferences (Riga, Almaty, Brussels) and one recommendations workshop (Brussels)
• 2 academic policy advice trainings (Almaty, Brussels)
• Photo contest and exhibition (Brussels)
• 23 blog articles
• 8 newsletters
Dr. Susann Heinecke
Director of the MAEIS Trilingual studies
Tatjana Kuhn
Programme Manager, Overseas University Programmes

Project Acronym: SEnECA
Project Title: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations
Project Funder: European Coommission (in the framework of Horizon2020)
Funding Amount: 1,5 mio. €
Project Duration: 01.2018 – 12.2019 (2 years)
Main Objective: To strengthen and energize relations between the EU and Central Asia by establishing a sustainable transdisciplinary network of researchers and stakeholders
SEnECA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770256.