Research & Publications  >  Policy Papers  >  2020



Health crisis, first lockdowns and vulnerabilities to energy poverty, Rachel Guyet

The lockdowns imposed during the COVID-19 crisis had a revealing effect on energy vulnerabilities and on the need to consider access to energy as an essential service. But it also weakened new social groups who started to struggle with paying their energy bills. Relief measures introduced by governments and utilities in Europe illustrated how access to energy became a topic high up on the national agenda during the lockdown. However, vulnerable energy consumers require longer-term support if the aim is to address energy poverty in a more structural, sustainable and fairer way at EU, state and market level.

Policy Paper available here

Rachel Guyet CIFE Energy poverty


The hour of Europe has not yet passed: The need for a proactive EU policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kristian L. Nielsen

25 years after the Dayton Accords ended the wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country remains in a fragile state, and is increasingly in danger of falling permanent behind the region in its integration with the EU. This policy brief argues that the EU must step up its activities and commitment to BiH, in order to promote a process of constitutional reform, as a vital first step towards an eventual membership process. This will be the best for Bosnia and Herzegovina, best for regional stability, and ultimately best for the EU itself.

Policy Paper available here

Kristian L. Nielsen Sarajevo


Les enjeux de la dette publique au sein de l‘Union européenne, Jean-Claude Vérez


Les pays de l'Union européenne sont contraints par les effets négatifs de la pandémie sur la croissance économique. Baisse des recettes et hausse des dépenses alourdissent le poids des dettes souveraines. A côté de pays "modèles", d'autres ont un niveau d'endettement excessif (120% et plus). L'enjeu est de pouvoir y faire face à moyen terme pour éviter tout défaut de paiement. La crédibilité de l'UE (dont la zone euro) ne peut échapper à une inversion du trend des dettes souveraines.

Policy Paper - only in French - available here

Jean Claude Vérez CIFE


Crise du covid et lutte contre le changement climatique, Laurent Baechler


Il n'y aura jamais de vaccin contre le changement climatique. 

Policy Paper - only in French - available here

Claude Nigoul


A propos de la souveraineté, Claude Nigoul


Depuis quelques temps l’idée circule d’une souveraineté qui se partagerait entre les Etats qui en sont les titulaires historiques et l’Union Européenne qui peine à les en défaire. Cet “en même temps” qui feint d’ignorer la réalité juridique et philosophique de la souveraineté introduit une confusion inutile sur la nature de l’Union et sur ses possibilités d’adaptation aux véritables rapports de force entre le tout qu’elle veut incarner et les parties qui la constituent. La souveraineté ne se partage pas, elle est indivisible, elle est ou elle n’est pas. Elle est un concept qui relève de la philosophie voire de la théologie mais il ne sert à rien de l’invoquer dans le champ du politique où elle apparaît comme une impossibilité factuelle là où règne le seul véritable impératif, celui de la coopération. 

Policy Paper - only in French - available here

Claude Nigoul


Le hirak algérien. Quelques éléments de décryptage, Karima Dirèche


Cet papier propose quelques éléments de compréhension d’un mouvement contestataire et populaire inédit en Algérie. Le Hirak (mouvement en arabe) est une mobilisation citoyenne d’une très grande ampleur (plusieurs millions de personnes) qui touche l’ensemble du territoire algérien. Il remet en question les logiques de pouvoir et le modèle économique de rente d’un régime politique autoritaire où l’institution militaire joue un rôle  décisionnaire depuis l’indépendance du pays en 1962. Depuis le 22 février 2019, il a transformé l’espace public en une agora citoyenne où les Algériens expérimentent le débat politique et la question de l’Etat de droit.

Policy Paper - only in French - available here

Karima Direche CIFE


Hungary and the Rule of Law - What is the best way to restore compliance with the EU core values?, Magda Stumvoll


Tendencies towards undermining European core values in EU member states – represented on the example of Hungary in this paper – have become stronger in recent years. As the Union risks losing its credibility when ignoring these current developments and as they represent a threat to the functioning of the EU as a whole, the European Union, as a community of values, is forced to step up. Different instruments that the EU could refer to to restore compliance with EU core values in member states are outlined in this paper.

Policy Paper available here


L‘enjeu des corona et euro bonds dans la zone euro, Laurent Baechler, Arnaud Leconte, Jean-Claude Vérez


Les pays de la zone euro frappés par la pandémie sont contraints de réagir pour faire face aux coûts macroéconomiques de chacun de ses pays membres. Au-delà des mesures actées, l’hypothèse d’émettre des coronabonds sous la responsabilité de la BCE suscite de nombreux débats au même titre que les eurobonds dans le contexte de la crise des années 2007-2008. Nous commençons par rappeler la nature de ces titres avant de dissocier leurs atouts et leurs risques. 

Policy Paper available here



Les économies africaines face au covid-19 : quel mécanisme d’accompagnement de la part l’UE ?, Moussa Khoré Traore


The man objective of this note is to contribute to the economic and social issues of covid-19 in Africa. It outlines the channels of transmission of the virus to the African economy, and discusses the EU’s accompanying mechanisms in the face this pandemic. It also seeks to reflect on how a global response for the African continent can be achieved.

Policy Paper available here only in French



Scotland, the UK and Brexit - At a Constitutional Crossroads: What Next for Scotland?, Paul Anderson & Soeren Keil


The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union has precipitated increased discussion in the UK regarding constitutional politics, specifically the constitutional integrity of the UK state. In this policy paper, we look specifically at the impact of EU withdrawal on Scotland and the Scottish' Government's independence proposals. We discuss the Brexit process, including the referendum results and constitutional impact, concluding with an examination future avenues that could be pursued by the Scottish government.

Policy Paper available here

Keil Anderson CIFE Scotland



Same-Sex Marriage in the British Isles: A Heterogenous Legislative Process, Paul Bartholomew


Northern Ireland finally became the last part of the British Isles to implement legislation on same-sex marriage in 2020. The process of introducing legislation in the British Isles has been a rather heterogenous one and various arguments such as equality, the promotion of the institution of marriage and religion have been used to gather support. 

Policy Paper available here

Paul Bartholomeuw CIFE


L'enjeu de l'intégration éconnomique européenne, Messaoud Boudhiaf

Policy Paper available here - in French only




La lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel: quel rôle pour l'UE?, Mamadou Camara, Moussa Khoré Traoré

Policy Paper available here - in French only




The European Green Deal: Winning the Climate Change, Gabrielle Heyvaert


The European Green New Deal unveiled in December 2019 by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is an ambitious roadmap to undertake the ecological and energy transition of the European Union. The means have to be commensurate to the stakes: achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050 while seeking for economic growth and, meanwhile, being a climate champion worldwide. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the European Green Deal agenda and challenges.

Policy Paper available here

Heyvaert European Green Deal CIFE 2020


Low carbon energy transition as a driver and solution to energy poverty and injustice, Rachel Guyet


Energy poverty is a major social phenomenon in Europe, reflecting increasing inequalities. Energy transition, on the other hand, is the ongoing energy transformation process that could result in worsening existing energy poverty patterns if it fails to be framed in a fairer and more inclusive perspective. Alternative energy transition models are emerging at local levels to help address the justice principles underpinning a successful energy transition trajectory.

Policy Paper available here

Rachel Guyet CIFE Energy Poverty Injustice Research


The Western Balkans, the reform of the accession and grands débats on the Future of Europe: waiting for Godot or engaging more startegically?, Florent Marciacq


The French decision to oppose the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in October 2019 has opened a debate on the reform of the accession process. The Western Balkans Six would be ill-advised to “wait and see” what a Deus ex machina solution Paris and other capitals will advance. What they need at this critical moment is a more strategic approach from their side, a plan of action of their own, creatively putting forth their contribution to the making of Europe and their vision of the future of Europe. Pushing for solidarity in the accession process could be just what they need to become members of a stronger Union. 

Policy Paper availbale here

Florent Marciacq CIFE


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