Alumni  >  Photos of the Annual Events

Alumni - Photos of the Annual Events


20-22 September 2024: 70 years of CIFE - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Nice  


Friday 20 September 2024
A retrospective on 70 years of CIFE - Welcome and oppening of the event with contributions by Hartmut Marhold, Former Director General of CIFE and CIFE Alumnus, Diplôme Nice 1980/81Claude Nigoul, Former Director of the IEHEI and CIFE Alumnus, Aosta 1961Matthias Waechter, Director General of CIFE
Saturday 21 September  2024
Bus tour to Vallauris
and discover the legendary 'La Guerre et la Paix' in the Musée national Pablo Picasso, followed by a Picnic in Provencal style (parc naturel départemental de Vaugrenier).
Evening at the Hotel Aston La Scala, Nice - Round table:
Peace and Multilateralism with contributions by:
Luise Drüke, former UNHCR Representative | CIFE Alumna, Diplôme Nice 1976/77, Tanya Lyubimova, Public Information Officer, United Nations OCHA | CIFE Alumna, MAEIS Trilingual 2011/12, Hartmut Marhold, former Director General CIFE | CIFE Alumnus, Diplôme Nice 1980/81, George Tzogopoulos, Lecturer and Journalist | CIFE Alumnus, MAEIS Trilingual 2003/04. Cocktail and dinner.

A huge thanks to everyone who travelled to join us. Many coming from far away: Canada, the US, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany... We were delighted to be able to welcome Alumni from as long ago as 1969/70 and as recent as 2023/24. Long live the CIFE family!


15-17 September 2023 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Berlin  

This time many Alumni dressed in style to take part in our CIFE Alumni Meeting 2023 which took place under a special motto this year, “The Roaring Twenties”! The weekend started with an opening reception at the Ballhaus Berlin an opportunity to meet old and new faces of the CIFE Alumni family. Our guests were greeted by Matthias Waechter, CIFE Director General, and Emre Gur, CIFE Alumni Director. Arne Krasting, author and expert of Berlin’s Roaring Twenties, gave an introduction to the eventful history of the Ballhaus. On Saturday, a bus equipped with monitors, took us on a trip back in time to the 1920s to discover places of everyday life, culture and politics and personalities such as Marlene Dietrich, Albert Einstein, Josephine Baker and other prominent figures of the 1920s, the most dazzling decade in Berlin’s history. Our traditional dinner took place in an exceptional setting: Hugo & Notte, a restaurant in the French Cathedral at Gendarmenmarkt. What better way to acknowledge our Franco-German background! We had the pleasure to welcome Marius Schlageter, Vice President of the German National Youth Council and Board Member at the European Movement Germany, for his keynote speech on the “State of the EU from a German Perspective”.
We thank all our guests from near and far for joining us in Berlin and we look forward to seeing you again in 2024, location to be announced soon!

(c) photos Jan Bechberger


7-9 October 2022 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Brussels

A short overview of the highlights of our CIFE International Alumni Meeting held on 7-9 October 2022 in Brussels.
It was wonderful to meet up with so many of our former students in a variety of settings, including a round table on careers in the EU, a welcoming speech from Despina Spanou from the European Commission, visits of the city, a dinner on Grand Place and a casual lunch get-together… And much more! We hope to see more of you next year as the CIFE family continues to grow!


15-17 October 2021 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Nice

The programme included: Two Guided Tours: Nice, UNESCO World Heritage - The Promenade des Anglais, a Meet & Greet – Evening reception, a Round table discussion: Europe and the World during and after the Covid19 pandemic, a TEDxCIFE "REconnect", a Dinner in a traditional restaurant in the Vieux Nice, a Guided Tour: "Surprising Nice - Nice insolite", and a Closing lunch in the Vieux Nice. A  big thank you to all the participants


11-13 October 2019 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Vienna

On the weekend of October, 11th to13th, CIFE alumni travelled from near and far to Vienna for the 2019 Global Alumni Meeting. 
Alumni had the chance to (re)connect, meet the CIFE faculty and staff and exchange with the students of the Executive Master in EU Studies. The weekend started with a welcome buffet on Friday evening at CIFE's partner, the Figlhaus - Akademie Wien, and included visits to the UN Headquarters, a workshop on 'Effective Communication Skills' with aluma Tanya Lyubimova and a roundtable discussion on 'Towards a New World Order? Past and Future of the Multilateral Liberal Order' with CIFE alumni Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy and Junjie MA and the German journalist Klaus Prömpers. A dinner at a Viennese traditional restaurant was the festive end to the 2019 alumni meeting. Our thanks go to all the participants for their positive contributions and the good vibes.


26-28 October 2018 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Berlin

CIFE alumni travelled from near and far to Berlin for the 2018 Global Alumni Meeting. Alumni got the chance to (re)connect, meet the CIFE faculty and staff and exchange with the new students of the Master in European integration and Global Studies as well as the Executive Master in EU Studies. The weekend started with a welcome buffet on Friday evening and included visits to the Bundesrat and the Bundestag, a mentoring training session and a roundtable discussion on 'Dealing with Populism in Europe.' A dinner at one of Berlin's most traditional restaurants in Kreuzberg served as a festive end to the 2018 alumni meeting. Our thanks go to all the participants for their positive contributions and the good vibes as well.


6-8 October 2017 - CIFE International Alumni Meeting in Nice

From 6 to 8 October 2017, we had the pleasure of organising our third annual Alumni Reunion in Nice, where Alumni were able to both meet new students and (re)discover CIFE's new premises on rue de France.
The festivities started on Friday evening with a welcome aperitif, followed on Saturday by a round table discussion on the future of Europe, and a dinner in the city between Alumni. The weekend concluded with a breakfast on Sunday morning. We would like to thank all the participants who were a pleasure to meet again.

Nice, 6-8 October 2017



November 2016

18 November 2016, The Beer Factory - 12th CIFE Alumni Brussels event on the 18th of November.
Special guest: Jacques Nancy, Head of the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit, DG Communication of the European Parliament, and CIFE Alumnus - Topic: Public Opinion and Membership of the EU.


Octobre 2016 - 21 octobre 2016 - 11th CIFE ALumni Brussels Networking Lunch

Discussion: Gianfranco Dell’Alba (DHEEI, 1978-79), Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Director of the Delegation of Confindustria (main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy) to the EU and former MEP, presented a business view on Europe’s crisis. He observed that the EU is divided on each of the crisis (migration, attitude towards Russia, etc.) it has to face. There is a lack of solidarity between its member states. The EU is a weak union and certainly not a community. To avoid the risk that other referenda follow the one on the Brexit, business remains in favor of pro-European solutions. Dell’Alba said that the EU must strongly fight against deindustrialization of Europe as well as against any division of tasks between the industrial powers around the world. Europe must have its own industrial fabric.


Septembre / octobre

ROME (Italie) du 30 septembre au 1er octobre 2016  - Compte-rendu 

Juin 2016

CIFE Alumni Global meeting - juin 2016
EU Career Session, 24 juin - Dinner à "La Brouette", 24 juin
Table ronde sur les implications du référendum sur le BREXIT, 25 juin - Dinner à la Brasserie "Breughel", 25 juin - Quelques photos...

Mars 2016

Bruxelles, "La Brouette". Lundi 7 mars 2016. Réunion des anciens du CIFE en présence des étudiants du Diplôme des Hautes Études Européennes et Internationales, filières anglophone et trilingue.




October 2015
Istanbul, 16 et 17 octobre 2015. Lafilière anglophone participe à la réunion des anciens du CIFE d'Istanbul.
Télécharger le programme 

"Entrepreneurship & the EU"
9 octobre 2015 : troisième RV du groupe desAnciens de Bruxelles. L'intervention de Cristina Andreea TRIFU, Ancienne du DHEEI 2006/07, sur "Entrepreneurship & the EU" a donné suite à un débat intensif et intéressant sur le sujet

MARS 2015
Lundi 9 mars 2015 -
Diner des "Anciens" à Bruxelles en présence des étudiants des deux filières du Diplôme (filière anglophone et filière trilingue) et de Monsieur Philippe MAYSTADT, Président du CIFE, ancien Vice-Premier-Ministre de Belgique et Président de la BEI.







AVRIL 2009
Cette fois-ci ce fut une rencontre avec les étudiants de la filière trilingue de l’IEHEI et ceux du programme du Kosovo.
Les Anciens bruxellois ainsi que Nizar et les étudiants de ces programmes se sont rencontrés le 20 avril 2009 à Bruxelles.




JUIN 2007
La réunion annuelle des anciens du CIFE et de l'IEHEI a eu lieu à Bruxelles le 6 juin 2007 à l’invitation et sous la présidence de M. Jean-Claude JUNCKER, Président du Centre International de Formation Européenne et Premier Ministre du Luxembourg.
Cette réunion, qui s'est tenue dans les locaux de la Délégation permanente du Luxembourg à Bruxelles était organisée autour d’un buffet auquel participaient une cinquantaine d'anciens, depuis les premières promotions de l'IEHEI et d'Aoste, jusqu'à la promotion 2006/2007 des Masters de l'IEHEI. Chacun a pu échanger des expériences, nouvelles ou anciennes, dans une atmosphère amicale.

BERLIN : 8 janvier 2007 - Dîner amical des anciens berlinois,dans les locaux de l'Europaïsche Academie Berlin.




JUILLET 2006 - Samedi 15 juillet 2006, Bucarest
Rencontre des anciens étudiants du CIFE et de l’IEHEI autour du thème : « LA PLACE DE LA ROUMANIE DANS LA NOUVELLE EUROPE ELARGIE ».

MARS 2006
Le nouveau Président du CIFE, Jean-Claude JUNCKER , élu le 22 novembre 2005, nous a fait l'honneur d'une allocution et d'une rencontre avec les "Anciens" du CIFE et de l'IEHEI. C'était à Bruxelles, le mardi 14 mars 2006, dans les locaux de Représentation Permanente du Luxembourg.



AVRIL 2005
Un aperçu de la réunion amicale des anciennes et des anciens de l’IEHEI résidant à Bruxelles et dans les environs organisée les 11 avril 2005 (lors du "passage" du voyage d'études à Bruxelles), par Dana SPINANT (1990-1991) et Paul ARLMAN (1969- 1970) à l'initiative de ce dernier.

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