Congratulations to the Master in Global Energy Transition & Governance Class of 2020/21!

The Master in Global Energy Transition & Governance students received their degrees during a graduation ceremony held at the Hôtel Saint Paul in Nice at end of June.

With a magnificent view of the Mediterranean, the students celebrated the end of the year with their families, faculty members and CIFE staff. Other parents and lecturers attended the degree bestowal online - the first time CIFE has organised such a ceremony in a hybrid format. 

One student kindly offered her peers and the lecturers present a colourful traditional scarf each - thanks to her for the touch of colour in the photos! Another student who was unable to attend provided a singer to create a truly festive atmosphere.

What a pleasure it was to be able to celebrate the success of this group of students, who formed very close bonds thanks to the unusual circumstances of this year marked by lockdowns and other restrictions linked to the pandemic! Yet, they can say that they were able to travel to Nice and Berlin for each of the three trimesters.

Congratulations and best of luck for the future!

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