What we offer 
To support its fellows in writing their theses and obtaining their doctorate, the EUCACIS programme offers scholarships and intensive PhD research training. That includes:
Coverage of costs:
- scholarships of 300 € per month for 3 years
- travel grants of up to 500 € for field research
- travel costs and accomodation for the following programme events
Programme events:
- four international conferences in Almaty, Berlin, Tbilisi and Bishkek
- three PhD schools in Berlin and Tbilisi
- one 3-week research training stay in Berlin
Further programme offers:
- mentoring by postdoctoral researchers
- continuous online coaching
- joint publications
- access to the EUCA(C)IS young researchers network
- up to 25 ECTS credits for active participation in all programme elements
- a certificate of participation and a transcript of records
Eligibility and application 
The programme addresses excellent postgraduates who are working on their doctoral thesis in political science, contemporary history or economics on a topic related to the programme’s thematic focus (see below) at a university or academy of sciences in the Southern Caucasus or Central Asia, namely in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Kashmir region in India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Xinjiang region in China.
To be eligible for the EUCACIS PhD Support Programme, applicants have to be citizens of one of the following countries:
- Afghanistan
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- The Kashmir region in India
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- The Xinjiang region in China
The thematic field of EUCACIS covers the following topics:
- bilateral relations between the EU and its member states, Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus
- foreign policies of countries in Central Asia or the Southern Caucasus
- regional integration and cooperation in Central Asia or the Southern Caucasus
- transformation, state building and social change in the region
- the role and competition of regional or international organisations in the regions
- mutual politics perceptions in media/ society
- conflict resolution processes in Central Asia/ the Southern Caucasus
- analysis of the EU’s Central Asia strategy or the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
- external powers in Central Asia or the Southern Caucasus and their geopolitical interests
Related topics are conceivable after consultation with the EUCACIS programme team.
Applicants have to fulfill ALL following compulsory requirements:
- Advanced stage of doctoral studies
- university degree in the second cycle of higher education
- enrolment as a doctoral student in political science, international relations, contemporary history, economics or a closely related field of studies at an institution (university or academy of sciences) in the target region
- fluency in English
- working on a doctoral thesis (also advanced projects) on a topic related to the programme focus (for details see below) to obtain a doctorate (PhD or equivalent academic degree in the third cycle of higher education)
- approval of participating in the programme by the doctorate supervisor and employer(s)
- willingness to complete a doctoral thesis and write and publish an additional research/policy paper in English within the next three years
- willingness and availability to actively participate during the next three years in all online and presence programme elements
- internet access
Please note that currently there is no open call for applications. If you are interested to be informed about a next call, please contact us.