Master Programmes  >  Executive Master in EU Studies  >  Executive Master Key facts
  • CIFE Executive Master
  • Berlin Executive Master Weekend Workshop Professional
  • Nice CIFE Executive Master Blended learning
  • Rome Budapest Vienna Barcelona Europe Master
 Curriculum          Weekend Workshops          Our Alumni            Tuition fee          How to apply


The Executive Master in EU Studies

Welcome to CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies - designed for professionals who want to study while pursuing their careers!


Get skilled and embrace the EU!


Launched in 2009 as one of the very first Masters taught in a blended learning format (online and with weekend workshops), the Executive Master in EU Studies provides structured knowledge of EU fundamentals, focussing on key issues for in-depth understanding and a future-oriented approach to EU integration.

The programme is a two-year academic journey that enables flexible study paths.
Each year's incoming class is made up of students from diverse nationalities and backgrounds.

Our Methods - Virtual and Personal

E-Learning and Face-to-Face Workshops
The Executive Master in EU Studies offers state-of-the-art blended learning through interactive online courses, moderated fora, webinars, instructional videos, individual guidance and face-to-face workshops.

Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Nice, Rome and Vienna
Our intensive weekend workshops bring students and faculty together for exclusive lectures and skills training.

Our Curriculum - Structured and Focussed

First Year
The first year offers a range of compulsory and optional courses on European integration history, the EU institutional architecture, the EU in world politics, EU law, EU enlargement, the political economy of energy transitions, sustainable development and more.

Second Year
The second year allows a specialisation with the option to either follow a research track, leading to a Master thesis or a professional track to intensify your skills and competences for the labour market.

Alongside your studies, we provide you with high-level teaching and individual supervision for best learning outcomes.

Our Faculty - Renowned and International

CIFE's faculty brings together some of Europe's most renowned academics and practitioners in their fields, providing latest research and concrete insights from the living practice of the EU.

Your Studies - Enriching and Rewarding

Studying with CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies, you will expand your knowledge by studying with our European faculty in an intercultural and interactive environment and build your own multidimentional vision of Europe's role in a globalised world.
You will be able to choose your specialisation in Political Science, Economics or EU Law and to follow a research or a professional track. 


Weekend Workshops: Learn and Live Europe!









    Start October 2024


     Weekend Workshops


  2 Years and 60 ECTS


For Professionals


 Online and On-Site



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