Vient de paraître L’Europe en formation n° 391 - Semestriel 61e année (Juillet 2021) 2020/2



EU-China Relations
Les relations sino-européennes

Editor - Coordinateur : George N. Tzogopoulos

Mario Telò - Les relations UE-Chine, l’accord global sur les investissements (AGI) et l’autonomie stratégique de l’Union européenne
Jens Bastian - NATO’s Emerging Policy Reset on China
Silvia Menegazzi - The Impact of Donald Trump’s Presidency on Sino-European Relations
Yuan Feng - Multilateralism with Chinese Characteristics? Implications for the EU
Antoine Kernen & Alexandre Mathys - La crise de la Covid-19 et le repositionnement international de la Chine
Jian Shi & Ping Liang - How to Understand Chinese Ideas in EU-China Communication? A Translation Study of Three Chinese Political Concepts
Chen Xuechen & Gao Xinchuchu - An Analysis of the Perception Gap Between the EU’s Connectivity Strategy and China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Dan Yi & Zhuyu Li - China’s Response to EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: A Macro and Micro View in Analysis
Giacomo Famigli - The EU-China Investment Agreement (CAI): The Opportunity for China to Snatch the European Union from the United States

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