Recherche & Publications  >  Notes de recherche  >  2024

Les notes de recherche 2024


A New Era or a Storm in a Tea Pot? South Africa After the ANC Lost Its Parliamentary Majority, Christian Manahl

Résumé :

For the first time since the end of Apartheid, the African National Congress has lost the parliamentary majority and the country is entering a new era of coalition politics. Socio-economic constraints and the need to balance diverging interests between coalition partners will give the new executive limited leeway. In addition, it will have to juggle competing priorities of economic reform and fiscal consolidation on the one hand, and tackling unemployment and deep social inequalities on the other. The challenges are daunting, but South Africa’s fundamentals are solid, it is the continent’s biggest economy and it has strong democratic institutions. As long as the new coalition sticks together and focuses on the interests of the country, it requires and deserves the support of international partners for its efforts to lead South Africa onto a more promising socio-economic trajectory.

Christian Manahl South Africa Europe Elections Challenges Apartheid


Past Legacies and Future Projections: The Implementation of the Rule of Law in EU Enlargement Policy, Arnisa Tepelija

Résumé :

This paper explores the resurgence of the European Union enlargement policy amidst the geopolitical imperatives posed by Russia’s war on Ukraine through the lens of the rule of law. Central to the enlargement policy is the implementation of the rule of law, a core EU principle enshrined in its constitutional framework. Drawing from lessons learnt from previous enlargements, such as underscoring the necessity of robust rule of law criteria and the consistent use of pre-accession conditionality, this paper makes some future projections on what the immediate imperative is for the EU in the promotion of the rule of law and its implementation in candidate countries.

Arnisa Tepelija Rule of Law EU Western Balkan


Nuclear Power - The Comeback of Nuclear Energy in the Global Energy Landscape, Ana Catarina Simões

Résumé :

The journey towards recognising the pivotal role of nuclear energy in the global energy landscape has been marked by several key milestones since 2022. Notably, nuclear energy was included in both the RepowerEU plan and the COP 28 agreement. Subsequently, an inaugural Nuclear Energy Summit was convened. These developments underscore a collective shift in perspective, acknowledging nuclear power as an indispensable component of the energy transition. The Nuclear Energy Summit, a first-of-its-kind event held on 21 March 2024, further solidified this stance, bringing together governments, institutions, and stakeholders to deliberate on nuclear energy's potential.

Ana Cataina Simoes Nuclear Energy Comeback Europe COP 28


Ukraine on the Way to EU Membership - The Famous 'Long, Rocky Road', Susann Heinecke-Kuhn

Résumé :

After Ukraine applied for EU membership in March 2022 and was granted candidate status in December 2023, the negotiations over its EU accession are supposed to start in the course of this year. Despite the speedy first steps, Ukraine will have to undergo the same procedure of accession negotiations as any other EU candidate country. This paper looks into the particular challenges and risks of Ukraine’s EU accession and gives an outlook on the tasks lying ahead for both the EU and Ukraine.

Susann Heinecke-Kuhn CIFE Ukraine Europe Membership


La question catalane, Frédéric Lépine

Résumé :

Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, la Catalogne a toujours résisté à aux tentatives de centralisation politique et administrative en Espagne. Cette note de recherche vise à présenter le contexte historique de cette résistance, tout en décrivant plus en détail les événements qui ont conduit au processus d’indépendance catalan et à son échec en 2017. Elle permet d’éclairer la situation actuelle, où un accord de législature entre le gouvernement espagnol et les partis catalans pourrait conduire à une redéfinition juridique et politique de l’autonomie de la Catalogne.

Frederic Lepine CIFE Catalogne Espagne Federalisme


Le défi du vieillissement démographique, Jean-Claude Vérez

Résumé :

Le monde va connaître une (r)évolution démographique d’ici 2100 et, à l’opposé de l’analyse malthusienne, le défi ne sera pas de faire face à la croissance démographique mais au vieillissement démographique. C’est déjà le cas dans de grands pays et il convient de voir ce en quoi cette évolution va bouleverser quelques équilibres macroéconomiques mais aussi microéconomiques.

Jean Claude Verez Mediterranee Arras Economie Demographie CIFE EU


The EU AI Act: State of Play and the Potential for Regulatory Globalisation, Aysenur Alma

Résumé :

In her Policy Paper, Aysenur Alma gives an overview of the state of play of the upcoming EU AI Act within the legislative process. Since the Commission's proposal in April 2021, the proposal has undergone the ordinary legislative procedure. Last month, a provisional agreement was achieved in the trilogue negoations of the Parliament and the Council. Moreover, the final text has been sent to the member states. Thus, a final adoption is soon to be accomplished. The regulation is not only awaited within Europe but is also expected to have extra-territorial reach.

Aysenur Alma CIFE AI Act EU CIFE Alumna


The EU Electricity Market Reform and the Protection of Consumers: A Move Towards a More Ambitious Approach?, Rachel Guyet

Résumé :

The energy price crisis in the winter 2022-2023 acted as a wake-up call for the European institutions to reform the electricity market in order to stabilise the prices and shield consumers from price volatility. The provisional reform agreement concluded by the Council and the Parliament in December 2023 improves the protection of final consumers, including the vulnerable consumers and households exposed to energy poverty. This is a step in the right direction but more needs to be done to address inequalities in the access to affordable energy services for all.

Rachel Guyet Energy Poverty Trilemma CIFE


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