Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection - WEBINAR - 9 and 10 September 2020


Intervenants :

Andrea Atanasovska - (Croatia / North Macedonia) - Energy Analyst

Cornelia Lazar - (Romania) - Graduate of the University of Bucharest and the Romanian Academy of Economic Sciences

Laurent Baechler - (France / Turkey), Director of the MAEIS European Integration and Global Studies, CIFE

Arnaud Leconte - (France) - Director of the Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs, CIFE

Andrey Makarychev - (Russia) - Johan Skytte Institute of Political Science, University of Tartu, Estonia

Laura Spataru-Negura - (Romania) - Lecturer PhD Nicolae Titulescu University, Attorney-at-law, Bucharest, Romania

Frais d'inscription pour les 2 jours : 150 €

Formulaire d'inscription (pdf)

September 9th, 2020: 9.30 h / 17.30 h

- Presentation of Macedonia: Historical, economic, cultural and touristic aspects
- The historical and cultural centres of UNESCO
- Tourism in the Balkans Region 
- Saving our planet: environmental issues
- Witnessing a new era of technological revolution in the field of environmental protection

September 10th, 2020 : 9.30 h / 17.30 h

- Development of green energy in the Balkans Region
- Environment and Sustainable Development
- Why is addressing Climate Change so difficult?
- COVID-19 and the Global Emergency: a Biopolitical Outlook


Marie-France PERDIGON
CIFE - 81 rue de France   F -  06000 - NICE
Tél. portable 00 33(0)6 87 25 99 41 

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